Joyce Connelley - Marshall Grain Company
Joyce is the Owner of Marshall Grain Company, an organic gardening, feed and pet supply store that’s been around since 1946…
Anne Thornton - Director of Agriculture, Collin College
An agriculturalist for more than 30 years and an award-winning educator, Anne created and implemented the curriculum for the college’s Urban Sustainable Agriculture program…
Judith McGeary - Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance
Judith McGeary is an attorney, activist, and sustainable farmer. After earning her law degree wifrom the University of Texas at Austin, she clerked for a Federal Appeals Court and went on to private law practice…
Sarah Low – University of Missouri
Associate Professor of regional economics and holds the Fred V. Heinkel Chair in Agriculture in the Division of Applied Social Sciences at the University of Missouri…
Kurt Rosentrater - Iowa State University
Kurt Rosentrater is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Agricultural and Engineering, as well as Food Science and Human Nutrition at Iowa State University as well as Montpellier in south of France &, Executive Director, Distillers Grains Technology Council…
Channing Arndt – International Food Policy Research Institute
Channing Arndt heads the Environment and Production Technology Division at IFPI, where they explore = Global Change, Natural Resource Management, Science and Technology Policy, Spatial Data and Analytics, and Institutions and Governance…
David Tilman - University of Minnesota
David Tilman has a dual appointment at the Bren School and the University of Minnesota, where he is Regents' Professor and McKnight Presidential Chair in Ecology and Director of the university’s Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve…