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Kurt Rosentrater - Iowa State University

Kurt Rosentrater is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Agricultural and Engineering, as well as Food Science and Human Nutrition at Iowa State University as well as Montpellier in south of France &, Executive Director, Distillers Grains Technology Council.  Kurt is a Food Process Engineer in the areas of industry, government, and academics. His professional interests focus on creating sustainable pathways forward for the human food and animal feed industries by developing, analyzing, and optimizing processes and products that maximize value and minimize negative consequences for all stakeholders, including the environment.

He is currently developing manufacturing processes to produce renewable, sustainable products such as enhanced foods, feeds, fuels, bioplastics, biocomposites, advanced biofuels, and other forms of bioenergy. 

Ph.D., Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering.

July 10

Channing Arndt – International Food Policy Research Institute

July 10

Sarah Low – University of Missouri