Natalya Lankford
Concerns of Climate Change from a kids Perspective. Natalya Lankford is a 13 year old 7th grader who can see the impacts and human causes of climate change.
Brita Lundberg - Climate Code Blue and GBPSR
Brita Lundberg, Chair of the Board at GBPSR, believes that advocating on issues of public health is part of being a physician. Her talks have focussed on the impact of climate change on human health and on the role of fossil fuels as a driver of the climate crisis…
Richard Tol - University of Sussex
Richard S.J. Tol MAE is a Professor at the Department of Economics, University of Sussex, the Professor of the Economics of Climate Change, Institute for Environmental Studies and Department of Spatial Economics, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and a Research Fellow of the Tinbergen Institute, CESifo, and the Payne Institute for Public Policy. He is an elected Member of the European Academy…
Jonathan M. Harris - Tufts University Global Development and Environment Institute
Jonathan M. Harris is a Visiting Scholar at the Tufts University Global Development and Environment Institute, and Senior Research Fellow at the Boston University Global Development Policy Center’s Economics in Context Initiative. He holds a B.A. from Harvard University and a Ph.D. from Boston University. Dr. Harris is past President of the United States Society for Ecological Economics….
Sean McCabe - Project Dryad
Sean worked as a Policy Officer with the Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice for five years. During this time he worked on the Foundation's strategy for engagement in the negotiation of the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development…