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Ruth Ann Norton - Green and Healthy Housing

Ruth Ann Norton President & CEO, Green & Healthy Homes Initiative Ruth Ann Norton, President and CEO of Green & Healthy Homes Initiative, is a national expert on lead poisoning prevention, innovative financing and healthy, safe and energy efficient housing. Ms. Norton is a leader in the fight to end lead poisoning and the toxic legacy it has left on generations of American children. She has turned the need to improve housing condition for all children and seniors into action and has led GHHI’s innovative work to use housing as a platform for improved health, economic and social outcomes. She is the architect for Maryland’s 98% reduction in childhood lead poisoning and has authored 35 pieces of lead poisoning prevention and healthy housing legislation across the US. She is the lead author of the GHHI’s Strategic Plan to End Lead Poisoning – A Blueprint for Action and has written numerous City and State level plans. She designed and co-chaired the National Summit to End Lead Poisoning and has served on numerous national panel on lead poisoning prevention for the CDC, HUD, EPA and the White House. In addition, she has crafted successful federal policy initiatives and her groundbreaking work has advanced the role of Medicaid as well as energy efficiency, education and philanthropic sectors in supporting investments in healthy housing in our nation’s lowest income neighborhoods. An economist by training, Ms. Norton is a sought after speaker on the moral and business case of creating healthier housing to improve outcomes for children, seniors and communities. Her work on healthy housings cost benefit analysis led GHHI to establish its Pay for Success practice to scale evidenced-based interventions for safe and energy efficient housing.

April 24

Tierra Curry - Center for Biological Diversity

May 1

Stephanie McCarter, M.D. - Environmental Health Center of Dallas