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Dr. Sean B. Cash is an economist and the Bergstrom Foundation Professor at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University.

Dr. Sean B. Cash is an economist and the Bergstrom Foundation Professor at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University. He teaches and conducts research on consumer behavior around food, nutrition, and the environment, as well as environmental impacts in food production. He is the founding co-editor of the Food Policy and Economics section of Frontiers in Nutrition, and was also Editor of the Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics.

May 20

Doug Petry is with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development/ CEO-led community of over 200 of the world’s leading sustainable businesses

May 22

Peter Lehner directs Earthjustice’s Sustainable Food & Farming Program, developing litigation, administrative