Regenerative = Back to Basics
In this month’s issue, our feature article is about regenerative farming, our Wise Words department is about regenerative health care and the word also came up on this week’s broadcast of Healthy Living Healthy Planet Radio, as we dug deep into the subject of renewable energy and our hope is that it will be the near future of society’s energy production and consumption.
I’ve heard the word over and over again in my Bible study class these last few weeks; we’ve been delving into the regeneration of Jacob, the woefully “just like us” biblical patriarch whom God chose to father and shepherd His new nation of people. Then, not to be outdone, regenerative medicine has been all over the place with the evolution of stem cell therapy. Each of these aspects of regeneration shares the root meaning of “regenerate: to regrow or replace something lost or injured; to generate or produce anew; to be reformed or reborn in a spiritual or moral sense; or, in the case of renewable energy, to generate power from natural sources that are constantly replenished.” While these are all important subjects, I suspect that we waste a lot of time and capital by failing to frame them in ways that people can immediately understand.
Framing these issues more effectively requires going back to basics. This requires going back to the way our bodies and the planet were created to function. In the case of regenerative farming, Sandra Yeyati highlights and espouses “innovations” such as farming that is chemical- and pesticide-free; holistically integrates livestock; and is intended for local, rather than worldwide distribution. This is important because back in the day when these standards defined our farming system, both food and the planet were healthier and more sustainable.
In the case of regenerative health care, here’s what going back to basics looks like. Our maker, in His infinite wisdom, created (in order) light; water and the atmosphere; land and oceans, vegetation and plants; the sun, moon and stars; birds and fish; land animals; and finally, when this perfectly symbiotic environment was ready, His most prized possession, humans, to thrive and survive in this nature He had created. In her interview with the founder of an organic farming research firm, Patricia Trenchak highlights how our health is improved when we eat natural, chemical-free, locally grown foods—again, back to the way we were created to eat in order to thrive.
In keeping with our back-to-basics theme, we also have articles discussing the therapeutic use of plant-based medicines, specifically psychedelics and hemp-derived CBD. Research continues to show that the original symbiotic relationship between humans, health and the planet is still alive and well.
This month’s issue is chock full of information designed to bring you insights and helpful, actionable information. We hope that you will find much in this issue that piques your interest, sheds new light on something you thought you knew and helps you on your journey to living a healthier life on a healthier planet.
Until next month,