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Wendy Perdue - University of Richmond School of Law

Wendy Collins Perdue is Immediate Past President of the Association of American Law Schools and a former Vice President of Order of the Coif, the legal education honor society. She has held a number of other significant positions within legal education and the bar, including the Editorial Board of the Journal of Legal Education and the Board of Governors of the Virginia Bar Association. Dean Perdue’s scholarship spans a number of areas including civil procedure, conflict of laws, land use and public health. Her publications include two case books and numerous articles and book chapters, and her scholarship has appeared in many, many Journals and LAW rreview. Before joining the Univ of Richmond Law School as Dean in , she was an Associate Dean and Professor of Law at Georgetown University Law Center.

May 8

Dr. Frank Shallenberger -Nevada Center of alternative and Anti Aging Medicine

May 8

Hilari Varnadore - U.S. Green Building Council