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Tang Gim Lee, Ph.D, AAA - University of Calgary

Tang Lee has been teaching building envelope science, building design, indoor air quality and civil
engineering for over 30 years at The University of Calgary, as well as mechanical engineering
courses at the University of Manitoba. He is qualified to supervise and examine Ph.D. candidates in
several disciplines including those in Engineering, Management and Environmental Science and

Tang conducts research on building envelope failures, performance of materials, sustainable design,
energy conservation, solar energy and indoor air quality. He is qualified as an expert witness in civil
and criminal cases in the areas of architecture, building science, building codes, construction, indoor
air quality and general health.

Tang chaired the Canadian Construction Research Board in Calgary, is on the editorial board for
several scientific publications including forensic engineering (building failures) for the American
Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and several committees of the National Research Council of
Canada, Health Canada and Canadian Standards Association (CSA). He also served on the
Canadian Commission on Construction Material Evaluation (CCMC) of the National Research
Council of Canada.

Professor Lee updates training manuals and provides examination questions on behalf of the Safety
Codes Council for Safety Codes Officers (building inspectors). He is appointed to the National
Building Code of Canada, Part 5 Environmental Separation, based on his expertise in the
performance of the building envelope.

April 11

Stephanie McCarter M.D. - EHCD

April 18

Aaryaman Singhal - Sunrise Movement