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Sarah Vogel, Senior Vice President for Healthy Communities at the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)

Sarah Vogel is the Senior Vice President for Healthy Communities at the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).  She  leads a team of scientists, attorneys and policy experts to protect health by reducing exposure to toxic chemicals and air pollution. Recent achievements of the program include: bipartisan passage of major reforms to the nation’s chemical safety law in 2016.  She has authored  the book ” Is It Safe: BPA and the Struggle to Define the Risks of Chemicals”.  which narrates episodes of political and scientific conflict over what makes a chemical safe.  

August 12

Douglas M. Brugge is Professor of occupational and environmental health at U Conn and chair of the Department of Public Health Sciences

August 26

Lori Bird is Director of World Resources Institute’s U.S. Energy Program and the Polsky Chair for Renewable Energy.