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Rob Williams, Ph.D. - University of Maryland

Dr. Williams studies both environmental policy and tax policy, with a particular focus on interactions between the two. In addition to his role at the University of Maryland, he is the Chief Economist for the Climate Leadership Council, a University Fellow at Resources for the Future and a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research. He was previously an associate professor at the University of Texas, Austin; a visiting research scholar at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research; and an Andrew W. Mellon Fellow at the Brookings Institution. Williams has served as a coeditor of both the Journal of Public Economics and the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. Dr. Williams received his Ph.D., Economics from Stanford University in 1999 and his A.B., Economics, magna cum laude, from Harvard College in 1994.

October 31

Jesse M Keenan, Ph.D. - Tulane University

October 31

Jasmine Sanders - Our Climate