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Andria Ventura - Clean Water Action

Andria Ventura left a corporate career in publishing in 1995 to work for Clean Water Action's New Jersey office. There she worked on a wide array of issues, including drinking water, pollution prevention, and source water protection. She supplemented this work by serving on her town's environmental commission. Andria joined the California Clean Water staff in May 2003, after a two-year hiatus in Hawaii volunteering with the Waikiki Zoo's elephant program and working at Hawaii’s Oceanic Institute. She has served on the Environmental Justice Coalition for Water's Program Advisory Committee and now represents Clean Water Action as a member of the BizNGO Policy Work Group and the Safer States coalition working on chemical policy reform. Andria leads her organization’s drinking water contaminants and chemical policy programs and has been a stakeholder in the development of California's Green Chemistry program, the state Division of Drinking Water’s Direct Potable Reuse Advisory Group, and various county pharmaceutical waste policy initiatives. Andria has a B.A. in history from U.C. Santa Barbara and did graduate work on immigration history at Utah State University

March 27

Katie Huffling - Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments

March 27

Dr. David Gilkey - Montana Technological University