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Philip Stewart, Ph.D - The University of Queensland Australia

Philip has been able to work in some of the worlds most outstanding and spectacular national parks and nature reserves in Namibia, South Africa and Australia for a number of years. While working in nature conservation he gained extensive experience in wildlife capture, translocation and management, fire ecology and biodiversity conservation fueling his passion for research and working in the field.

In Australia Philip lectured in wildlife management, wildfire behavior, fire ecology and other biological/conservation science modules at Charles Darwin University for a number of years. He has presented a number of papers at various international and national symposia/workshops covering topics from invasive species to wildfire and fire ecology. Philip completed his advanced higher degree in fire ecology and is currently undertaking further studies in veterinary and wildlife science while lecturing full-time.

February 1

Justin Kenardy, Ph.D - The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

February 8

Karl Rábago - Rábago Energy LLC, Pace Energy & Climate Center