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Dr. Elena Craft -Environmental Defense Fund

Elena is located in EDF Austin office and her expertise is on climate change, air quality/air toxic issues, focusing specifically on reducing criteria and greenhouse gas emissions from the energy and transportation sectors. She has worked to reduce emissions especially around port areas and environmental justice communities.  She has also worked to reduce toxics used in shale gas drilling practices such as hydraulic fracturing. She has been a strategist in designing and initiating comprehensive clean air measures, as well as in developing standards to measure environmental performance. Her efforts have led to the creation of clean truck programs in Houston and other ports around the Southeast. Dr. Craft has been appointed to serve a two year term on the Environmental Protection Agency’s SAB Environmental Justice Technical Review Panel, & she has authored/co-authored a number of publications around Environmental issues.   Elena’s Ph.D.  is in toxicology from Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth and Ocean Sciences.

July 17

Joyce Connelley - Marshall Grain Company

August 14

Dr. Aida Ramos - University of Dallas