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Madeline Kaufman - Debris Free Oceans

Madeline Kaufman, is the Program and Outreach Director at Debris Free Oceans and a Research Associate in Dr. Diego Lirman’s Benthic Ecology and Coral Restoration Lab the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. Debris Free Oceans is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to inspiring local communities to responsibly manage the lifecycle of plastics and waste through sustainability consulting, outreach & education, and cleanup events. Dr. Lirman’s lab is dedicated to conducting research and restoration activities to ensure the long-term survival of our beautiful and essential coral reef and seagrass ecosystems.

Kaufman recently received her Master of Science in Marine Biology and Ecology at the University of Miami, and her research is focused on examining extrinsic and intrinsic drivers (such as genotype, size effects, and historical environment) on coral colony performance metrics (such as growth, wound healing, and thermal tolerance).

In her free time, Kaufman works as a divemaster and environmental coordinator at South Beach Divers. She organizes and leads conservation-oriented dive trips including reef cleanups, Lionfish derbies and coral restoration expeditions.

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