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Jonathan Buonocore Sc.D - Harvard T.S. Chan School of Public Health

Jonathan Buonocore Sc.D., focuses on the health, environmental, and climate impacts of energy, and the benefits of methods to reduce carbon emissions from energy generation, commonly called “health co-benefits”. His present health co-benefits work is focusing on understanding the health co-benefits of a carbon fee in Massachusetts, the health and climate benefits of green buildings, and applying these methods to investment portfolios. He is also currently working on improving the understanding of hazards posed by natural gas, focusing on less well understood parts of the oil and natural gas infrastructure, such as underground gas storage facilities, pipelines, and processing and refining.

His previous research includes the health co-benefits of the U.S. electricity generation carbon standards, the health benefits of installing offshore wind, onshore wind, solar, and energy efficiency, the health impacts of forest fires in Indonesia, and the full health and environmental costs of coal. He has also done research on exposure and health impacts of air pollution from traffic congestion, health impacts of cuts to public transportation service, and health consequences of changes to the chemical makeup of gasoline.

Find more about Jonathan and his work here:

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February 8

Karl Rábago - Rábago Energy LLC, Pace Energy & Climate Center

February 22

Katharine Hayhoe - Texas Tech University and ATMOS