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Jill Jedicka - Waterkeepers (Buffalo Niagara Director)

For decades, Jill has been fighting to repair waterways choked by a century’s worth of industrial pollution. To restore public access to local rivers and lakes. To lead a revival of her hometown waterfront.

In 2011, after ten years of battles, she had her first major win. Together with local, state, and federal agencies, Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper spearheaded a hundred-million-dollar effort to clean up the heavily polluted Buffalo River. After that, they secured another twenty million-dollars more to restore habitat and improve water quality in their local waterways.

Today, Buffalo’s rivers and lakes are a vibrant source of recreation, a boon to the water-based economy, and a healthier resource for the people who call this city home.

But Jill knows her work is never done. Because the revitalization of an urban river is ongoing. She needs everyone’s help to defend what they fought to restore… to protect the investment of hundreds of millions of dollars… to fight the belief system that water issues are someone else’s problem.

Today, we celebrate Jill’s victories. Tomorrow, back to work.

March 14

Garrett Boone - The Boone Family Foundation

March 14

Fred Tutman - Riverkeeper & CEO (Patuxent River)