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Sam Calisch leads Special Projects at Rewiring America, with a focus on unlocking opportunities and tackling thorny problems on the way to electrifying a billion machines.

Sam Calisch leads Special Projects at Rewiring America, with a focus on unlocking opportunities and tackling thorny problems on the way to electrifying a billion machines. He is the founder of Elmworks, a start-up developing manufacturing technologies for electrification, and is a Research Fellow at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab’s Cyclotron Road Division through Activate. Sam has run projects with the National Science Foundation, the DOE's Advanced Manufacturing Office, and the DOE's Buildings Technology Office, and recently collaborated with Saul Griffith and Laura Fraser on Electrify, an optimistic vision for a zero carbon future.

October 10

Dr. Debora Ley is Economic Affairs Officer of the Energy and Natural Resources Unit of the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.

October 12

Dr. Noah Deffenbaugh is with Stanford’s Doerr School of Sustainability.