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Chris Dicus, Ph.D. - Cal Poly

Dr. Dicus, our resident fire guru, comes to Cal Poly from down on the bayou in Baton Rouge, Louisiana where he received a Ph.D. in Forestry at Louisiana State University. He also holds an M.S. in Forest Resources from Utah State University and a B.S. in Forestry and Wildlife from Louisiana Tech University. 

Dr. Dicus is the current President of the Association for Fire Ecology (, heads the Wildland-Urban Interface Module of the California Fire Science Consortium (, and sits on the Board of Directors of the San Luis Obispo County FireSafe Council ( He is a Certified Senior Fire Ecologist and also a California Registered Professional Forester. 

Away from Cal Poly, he enjoys spending time with his family and church activities, backpacking, surfing, and writing music.

November 28

Christie Sayes - Baylor Univeristy

December 5

David Bowman, Ph.D. - University of Tasmania